Monday, June 30, 2014

In Training

Today was Jenny Training Day.  Steve got to show off his fierce skills in both the OT and PT areas, and I was talked through how each task breaks down.  Perhaps most exciting to me was watching how well he did getting in and out of the Big Grey Whale!  The van seat is the perfect height for him to slide right into.  I'm relieved.  My job in all his functions is to act as spotter for him, mostly in the area of balance.  I'm thankful that my role for him is support, and that he is truly responsible for his own care.  We're sorting through all the equipment, provided and need-to-purchase, that he will need when he comes home, making sure everything suits his particular needs.

I told the kids tonight that they have a big job when Daddy comes home.  They have to REMIND MOMMY not to leave her shoes lying around (guilty).  They also have to help look out for toys, especially LEGOS, water spots and help Keep the Paths Clear.  They loved that their job was to remind Mom about her messy shoes.  Tonight when we prayed, Lucy said, "Let's pray that we all remember our jobs when Dad comes home."

As the pros at LBM have checked in with me mentally and emotionally about how ready I am to perform the needed support functions, I realized that I made this decision a long, long time ago.  Once when we were dating, Steve was somewhat seriously ill, and I had the privilege of taking care of him.  I remember realizing after our 2nd E.R. trip that I loved him and wanted to go through life with him.  At the time he was sick, he had absolutely nothing to offer me, and was only in a position for me to care for him.  I asked myself whether I could truly commit to love him like this for life.  I was shocked how easy it was to say yes, from the depths of my soul.  So yes, I've been ready for 14 years.  And very willing.

Here is an excerpt from our marriage vows, which I have the privilege of keeping every day:

" this marriage I commit to be faithful, to build a home, to work at being together, to give grace to, to take delight in, to seek counsel in you, to serve, to forgive, to live an intentional and well-balanced life, and to protect and prioritize this marriage in suffering and joy for as long as God gives us life."

Look what Lucy made for Dad!

1 comment:

  1. Continuing to pray for you and Steve and the family. I believe God will continue to give you strength and reminders to keep the pathways clear. Our God is faithful. love to you, Marty
