Thursday, June 19, 2014


The night Steve moved from UCI to Kaiser Downey, Søren was having a tough night.  Just not quite right, not happy about anything, quick to cry.  I stopped in briefly to grab a few things so I could stay the night.  Søren clung to me.  He said, "When is Dad going to come home?"  I told him it would be a little while because his owies needed time to heal.  He said, "Like three weeks."  I said, "Probably something like that."  He just put his head down on my chest and cried quietly.  I told him it was okay to be sad. I reminded him we would bring him to see Dad very soon, before Saturday for sure.  I think he felt good to just have me tell him it was okay to be sad, but feel reassured, too.

Unfortunately I had to get moving, as Steve was headed to Kaiser for his admission, and I didn't want him to be without an advocate.  As I was driving, I was just praying and remembering that God is caring for my children.  (This is when I nearly hit the peacock!)

Unbeknownst to me, at that very time, a white pigeon landed in our backyard.  The kids were ecstatic, and spent the rest of the evening laughing as "Snowey" (Lucy's naming prowess here) hopped on the fence and pecked at the wind chimes. As of this morning it is still there.

Now, I'm not one who looks for God to send me signs, it's just not the way I'm made.  But I'll be honest, I said, "Really God, isn't that a little cliché?" Regardless, it has been the source of a lot of laughs and fun for the kids, and even for me, and I'm thankful for it.

Except that I now have two Backyard Poopers instead of one.

1 comment:

  1. Wow how neat to see those birds as an encouragement. Thinking of that little song that says two little birds at my doorstep singing this is my message to you: don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing's gonna be alright! (they just sang that last week at Gardenhill Kindergarten graduation)
    In other words: His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches over me!
