Saturday, June 21, 2014

In a blink

I forget which situation happened a few weeks ago, but Steve and I were reminded that any single one of us is one blink away from crisis.  We were talking about it and it was a good reminder to us that it isn't worth hanging onto bitterness in our relationships.  You simply don't know whether you will have an opportunity to repair that relationship.

We count ourselves incredibly blessed that this happened during a time when our relationship was particularly strong, and when there were no major rifts in our friendships or work relationships.

During our crisis, I get a particular privilege.  You all have to listen to me and be nice to me.  I get to say things that are a little gutsy, and you still have to be nice!  For heaven's sake, my husband is coming home in a wheelchair!  :)

Will you forgive me if I deliver a challenge to you?  Would you examine your relationships, those with tensions in them, and ask God to show you what your responsibility is for reconciliation?  I know that the other person isn't faultless.  If you hadn't been wronged in some way, you wouldn't be hurting or angry or annoyed.  But when you really shut your eyes and take a deep breath, maybe you can see whether there is a way for you to at least show kindness, compassion, forgiveness to them.  Not for any gain for you, but because it is the right thing.  There is a fantastic passage on this in Henry Cloud's book, 9 Things You Simply Must Do, which I can't recommend enough.  He says that regardless of who "started it," you have ownership over your response.  It breaks my heart to see rifts in relationships that could be reconciled, and I am praying for you dear ones as you ask hard questions.  This may mean that you keep your distance in order to keep from injuring the relationship further, but you do have some measure of control over whether you continue to feed your own bitterness.  Ask yourself, "Is being right more important than this relationship?"

I actually enjoy talking through those kinds of things with people, and please don't feel like you are bothering me if you would like to email me about it.  I will answer as I am able.  It's important to me.

Thanks for indulging me.  I have been writing what is on my heart, trusting that you are all kind enough to recognize that it is with love that I write.

Ephesians 4:31-32
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.  Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

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