Monday, June 16, 2014

Today - possible facility move

Hi, friends.

Today will be a critical day with likely movement to an in-patient spine center.  Please pray for clear decisions for us, for a good relationship with the administrators helping us, and for a good start to rehab.  Again, we don't know how long he will be there.

The kids are finding out today that Daddy will not be home for awhile.  I'm keeping it simple -- his owie was just a big owie that needs extra time to heal.  A dear psychologist friend and his wife gave me good advice about working with them.  Keep it simple, talk about Daddy and the funny things that happen there (like when he thought one of the machines was a fish tank), take lots of videos, and get them in to see him as much as we can.  They will take their cues from me, and from all of you.  Lucy is doing well, but Soren is definitely more sensitive.  But truly they are doing very well.  Donuts are also awesome.  =)

Thank you for your prayers--they are powerful.

1 comment:

  1. Praying the move goes well and the facility is the perfect place to help him recover quickly. Glad the kids are hanging in there. Wish we were closer to help you with them. Love to all of you!
