Monday, June 16, 2014

Room with a view

We are getting settled into our new room at Kaiser Downey, where we anticipate a full work-up tomorrow by neurology, PT, etc. so that we can begin a plan for recovery.  I can see Palos Verdes out the window, and am hoping for an unseasonal clear day so that I can see Catalina.  Having grown up going to family camp there, it feels a bit like seeing home.

This was a very difficult day, though in the scheme of things, productive.  Steve had all tubes but his IV removed, was rolled several times and stood/sat up twice. While each task felt like he was running a 10K at breakneck speed, he tolerated it well.  He was able to sit up for almost an hour, which was extremely good for both his body and his mind.  He didn't sleep well last night so he has slept every moment that some task was not required of him.  I may be misquoting, but Steve is burning something like 3000 calories a day to perform all the functions required of him.

My dad was able to view the chest x-ray as well and was pleased with his progress.  Steve was a little skeptical of Doogie Howser doing some of his procedures, but the little league gang did a fine job.

Moyer Hubbard came to pray with me tonight at my request.  It was so very good to have a dear, long-time friend pray in ways that I cannot and encourage me.  He represents both our church as well as Biola, and to have even one of those communities behind you is hitting the jackpot, but having both?  Beyond price.

We still are not yet ready for visitors other than family, but we will let you know when visitors will be welcome.

I'll leave you for tonight with a paragraph from an email my dad sent earlier today while he was back home with the kids.

"Today, Lucy received an academic award. We were both proud but it hurt to realize that you were not there. The good thing was that Grandparents were there to take photos and praise. Jeremy’s mom was there to bring the boys together to play. Then Cammie’s mother was there for the kids to play together. God has brought wonderful surrogates into the lives of your children at just the right time. There are meals planned for you through the 4th of July. JJ has been nearly drowned by your kids hanging on her in the pool. Rich was here yesterday and not only mowed the lawn as I was planing to do but gave the lawn a manicure . Today one of your friends came to take care of the pool. Your Nicaraguan friends brought you avocados and prayers last night. The list is seemingly endless. How you are blessed."

How we are blessed indeed.  We accept the hard things with the good things.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Jenn and Steve, Ben and I are praying for you whenever you come to mind, which is again and again throughout the day. We have such respect, regard and love for you both and are walking with you in prayer.
