Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To The Kaiser

I nearly hit a peacock crossing the road on Imperial Highway.  It wasn't anywhere near Paddison Farms, by the way.  Why did the Peacock cross the road?  Please, finish this joke as inspired... laughing is fantastic right now. 

An unforeseen complication -- we will be moved today to Long Beach Memorial Hospital, which has an excellent spine rehab facility, with whom Kaiser sometimes contracts.  .  While I am not excited about moving again, I am told that this is a great hospital.  We will have more time to have his med orders updated before we get there, so they should be more ready to admit him than Kaiser was. 

Some of his primary issues at present include extreme heartburn, likely caused by an ulcer created by the steroids.  (He was given heavy doses of steroids immediately in the E.R., which likely saved further damage of his spinal cord.  However, I can't help but chuckle at the connection between biking and steroids...).  This   He has quite a bit of anxiety, including full body shakes.  His pain is manageable, but he is incredibly uncomfortable, and is only able to do assisted position adjustments.  The moves are hard on his anxiety, as his care is then delayed by admission procedure. 

Despite all this, in even his worst moments, he has been nothing but gracious, thanking every person by name. 

Among so many things, I want to point out a few things for which I am thanking God.  Last night was a pretty horrid night with pain and anxiety and lack of sleep, compounded by some delays in medication.  As I was watching my best friend, totally unable to do anything more to help him, I was able to text Laura Tucker, who is presently in South Africa waiting for paperwork to take their new babies home (please pray for them!), and she and Caleb prayed several times for me throughout the night. 

Denise and Doug Geringer are as close to family as you can get without being related.  They have both been able to be with Steve and address his physical and emotional needs differently than I can.  Denise is continuing to use her PT skills and knowledge to help us, and Doug is a pretty good PT apprentice, in addition to being like a brother to Steve. 

All the needs we have had, big and small, seem to just be getting taken care of.  People have stepped up in a beautiful way, showing me how important community really is.  Every single one of you who has contacted me to say you are praying bolsters me even more. 

I'll post details on the move later.  In the mean time, if you have any funny stories to send me, that would be helpful.  Levity has been important at many intervals, and we've appreciated things that make us smile. 

Laura reminded me last night that in our weakness, God's strength is made perfect.  It is most obvious that God is powerful and loving when we are most aware of the gap between him and us.  I feel so very loved and cared for, even in the middle of the night. 


  1. Dear Earle-girl, you are stacking up jewels in your crown in heaven. Laura's reminder is just what I needed to hear. He is caring for you when it's hard and we can't take the edge off how hard it is. Praise God.

  2. If you like SNL funny: http://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show/

  3. Myles and I were just cooking together and he said, "I'm praying for Soren. Because his daddy is not well.". Grateful for these little people in our lives who remind us of what is most important.

    1. That seriously made my heart ache in the really good way.

  4. SIlly Peacock!!! I remember seeing them walking around when visiting your area! Praying the move goes smoothly.

  5. We are praying for you all and trusting the Lord's perfect love and care!

  6. Did you know that if you Google, "why did the peacock cross the road?" 3.6 MILLION results pop up in less than .25 seconds? None with very creative answers, but boy is there a lot of junk out there on the internet. Glad you are able to be somewhere that specializes in injuries just like Steve's, even if it required an extra move. Better now than later. I will be praying for God to bless Steve's sleep tonight.

  7. Long Beach Memorial is a wonderful hospital! I was born there, and three of my babies were born there. I'm glad to know Steve will be at such a great place. I've been thinking of you and praying for you ever since hearing of the accident.
    Love, Kelly Pinkham
