Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bike accident

Hi friends!
First and foremost, we have been incredibly thankful for your prayers and support.  It sounds very flat, but I've never felt so loved and uplifted in my life.  Steve is doing well, all things considered, and we are making baby steps forward.

Many have asked what happened, so I thought I'd start by posting that here.  I'll post updates about other things as I am able.

On Friday morning, Steve and Doug Geringer were mountain biking on the Fullerton Loop.  They had just started when Steve hit a fluke bump or something, and he flew over his handlebars.  We believe he hit his head, as his helmet cracked. He had no head injuries at all and remained conscious, but the impact caused a compression break in his L1 vertebra.  There were no other injuries.  He was treated at UCI trauma center and had surgery on Saturday to place an expander and fuse together the upper and lower vertebrae.

Steve will likely be in the hospital through at least tomorrow, and will go from here to a spinal recovery center to find out what the next steps will be.  He has some feeling and movement in his legs, but can't wiggle his toes. They have every reason to expect full recovery, but there are no guarantees.  We also don't know how long it will take to recover.  It could be very quick, or it could take many months.

He is making small but steady improvements, is resting well.  His pain is manageable.  He is a stellar patient, polite and thankful, cheerfully doing everything asked of him.  He has been open with his faith in a few appropriate instances, and the Lord has been very near to him.  

We have been doing well, though of course emotional and tired.  I have not ever felt fearful or despairing.  God has graciously allowed me to register the seriousness of the situation in small chunks as I've been able to handle it.  So many small details came into play that I could never have anticipated.  The community of people we love sprang into action and have been in place to care for us.  My parents are both here, as is Steve's sister.  Steve's parents a currently in Nebraska caring for  Jane's sister during a surgery recovery, and we joyfully support them remaining there for the time  being.

Denise Geringer has started a meal train for us, and will keep that as updated as possible.  We don't yet know what our needs will be, but I promise to ask when we need anything.  Already people are stepping in to help in beautiful ways, and we thank you so much for that.

The kids are doing well-- lots of time with Grammie, Uncle Bud and Aunt JJ has been wonderful, plus some dear friends.  They are both a little anxious of course, But God is caring well for their hearts too.

Please know that we have complete confidence in God to give us just what we need during this time, that even in the most difficult days, he is God.  He does not change, he is loving, he is completely trustworthy.  He has prepared both our hearts well.  Thank you for your continued prayers-- the Lord is glorified when you pray for us.

With gratitude,
Jenn for the Earles


  1. I am so very thankful for your testimony of "trust and obey". You and Steve soak up God's word like your very life depends on it.

  2. Jen, I am sorry to hear about Steve's accident and so encouraged to read of your family's strong faith through this time! Please let me know how I can help in any way!!! Love the Earle's!!!

  3. We are praying for you guys!

  4. Jen! I didn't know! We will be praying for you guys. Love you all.

  5. I am so sorry Jen and family! You are in my prayers!
