Thursday, June 19, 2014

You can't compare

I asked a friend about something he is going through a few days ago, and he said, "Well, it's nothing compared to what you are going through."  However, I think you just can't compare suffering.  God has a different story for everyone.  In C.S. Lewis's Narnia series, one of the characters asks about whether another character will see the great Aslan again.  Aslan answers saying something to the effect of, "that is their own story, and it's not for you to know."  (Someone want to find that passage for me?)

There are many people around me who are suffering.  The Lietzaus, for instance, or dear Mary McBride.  But there are others suffering silently about which we know nothing.  No tragedy or trauma, but slow, long-suffering with no end in sight.  But I think what is important is to gage my own suffering by ME.  I am looking for good perspective, certainly (we live in Southern California and not Equatorial Guinea, for example).  But what I believe to be most healthy is for us to acknowledge our suffering for what it is, rejoice in God's provision for us, and cry out to him for comfort and help.  It is not helpful to amplify and glorify our suffering and wallow in it, nor is it healthy for us to say, "Gee, I'm glad I'm not so-and-so."  It is our own portion, given to us for this time, ultimately for the glory of God.

I have a request of you.  Look gently around for the quiet long-suffering people in your circle of influence.  Find a small way you can lift them up today.  Pray for them and tell them.  Bring them a latte.  Take their dog for a walk, or bake them banana bread.  Show them that they, too don't walk alone.  We have felt so loved and supported in our trauma.  But it is not a tragedy.  We are already seeing how God is loving others through what we are experiencing.  Praise him for that!

'Child,' said the Voice, 'I am telling you your story, not hers. I tell no one any story but his own.'
-The Horse and His Boy
(Thanks, Caleb Tucker!)

1 comment:

  1. I have been so blessed and encouraged by the perspective God is giving you in all of this, Jenn. Thank you for sharing it with us so we can learn and be reminded of these things too.
