Friday, June 20, 2014


Since we have been able to report such a strong beginning to Steve's recovery process, I thought I would pause and ask whether there are questions you may have or details you'd like to know that I have not answered.  I'd like to issue an invitation to either post them below or email them to me at jennyearle <at>, and I'd be glad to answer them.

I'm still stunned by the increasingly wide concern and love we're being shown.  I'm sure I sound like a broken record when I say that, but daily I just shake my head in grateful disbelief.


  1. Hi Jenny, this is Cheryl, Mimi's friend in San Jose. We've been following Steve's journey since it began through texts and emails with Jane. When I learned of your blog site I began following it each morning and our prayers for Steve became much more specific. Although we realize Steve has a lot of hard work ahead of him, we rejoiced to see the two starkly contrasting pictures you posted from Fri, 6/13 to 6/20. Know that we will continue to pray for God's mercy and grace to be poured out on your dear family.

  2. Abby and Emma would like to know if Uncle Steve's back still hurts a lot. We were watching his first steps from Abby's hospital room and cheering him on. Abby's nurses are proud of Steve, too!
