Friday, June 20, 2014

Happy, Happy, Happy

Today was an exhausting day but a happy one.  Steve was up bright and early and pushed hard through the early part of the day.  He had significant progress with things like transferring himself to and from his wheelchair, and with some exciting muscle movement and coordination.  He says that it feels fantastic to have something significant to DO.  For the first time, he has been fine being alone in his room for a little while. He's asked for his ipad.  When we were there, he started to adjust his position in bed all by himself.  These are unbelievable to me, when I remember where we were last week.

The meds he's taking for the ulcer are starting to work.  Essentially they coat the inside of his stomach so that it isn't painful to eat.  He still is eating very small meals, and it's still not fun, but it's far and away better than half an ounce of jello in a day.

The kids and Grammie and I went to the Long Beach Aquarium today, as the kids have been asking for AGES to go, and it's only 10 minutes away from "Daddy's Room."  We wanted them to have a bit a fun day with mom after all of this.  It was crazy busy, and as such, Grammie and I were pretty indifferent to the wonders of the underwater wild.  But the kids had a great time, and we are looking forward to using our passes this year.

My dad arrived back here around 8 tonight, and will stay through Sunday.  I think it will be important for him to get to see Steve's marked improvement as well.

Today we understand that Biola sent out an all-staff email about our situation, and we have just felt so incredibly loved by all of you as you've reached out to us.  Thank you for loving us well and praying for us.

Some encouragement to us this week:  (Thanks, Betsy!)

Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Here is how your prayers were answered this last week:

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014


  1. OH, these pictures are wonderful! God is indeed drawing near to you and blessing you!

  2. What a difference a week makes! Praise God for the progress thus far. Praying for continued healing. reading your blog. It is bringing joy to my soul. Love seeing your heart through your words.

  3. Thanks for all the thoughtful and deep and funny updates neighbor! Wow those pictures say a lot. Wishing you and Steve in particular continued strength and grace on the road to recovery. It was good to see Steve already sending a message to all of us in Biola IT complimenting us on a major achievement! (counts as working from home as far as I'm concerned ;)

  4. Steve, I was sorry hear of your biking accident. I will be praying for you and your family. If there's anything that you feel like I could do to contribute please let me know as I'd be happy to jump in
