Friday, June 27, 2014


We just wrapped another year of Adventure Week, and my feet are thanking me for finally sitting down.  I wish I could describe what a beautiful time it is. To hear my kids and their friends and 400 other kids singing words like, "Worthy, you are worthy our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things."  Truth, out of the mouths of babes.  I love that God's truth is in their mouths and hearts and even in their bodies as they do the motions.  They will remember these songs because they are super fun, but God will bring these words of truth to mind for them when they need them.  I'm so incredibly grateful to our church for the hours and hours and hours of work that goes into this, because it is absolutely worth it.

It felt so strange not to have Steve there this year.  He is a ubiquitous figure, supporting me in the craziness of the café and caring for our kids.  But he is right where he needs to be.  As we were discussing one aspect of his homecoming that worries us, he quoted an Adventure Week song right back at me:  "Trust in the Lord... Trust in the Lord."  Again... not just for fun, but truth for real life.

And I think I was just where I needed to be as well.  Throughout the week, person after person told me how they are praying for our family, which was like soothing balm for our wounds.  These prayers are truly powerful.  Steve's PT today said, "You understand, this just doesn't happen.  People do not progress this quickly."  We credit the healing power of God and the prayers of the family of God.  But don't miss this:  even if Steve were not to have recovered, or does not recover further than this, God still is good, loving, powerful, wise.  Perfectly so.  He is worthy.

Søren's day with Daddy

Lord help me, if you crash your father... 

Playing soccer with Dad

1 comment:

  1. Dear friend! After coming back (to Arkansas) from weeks of traveling, I'm just now seeing/catching up on your blog. I have been praying for you and will continue, continue, continue. I just wanted you to know that this strand of voices (however weak and far-away sounding!) has been joining with the chorus of prayers. Much love,
