Friday, July 18, 2014

The Week in Review

Strangely, the weeks are flying by.  Each week comes with microscopic nerve growth.  And each week seems to have a very dark moment, some really, really fun times, lots of details and strategy to think through, and deep, consistent grace soaking in.

This week we made strategic progress on one front.  We had the first of four appointments to work through complications related to the ulcer and the blood clots.  When we've been to all of these, our primary care doc will coordinate the opinions of everyone as to when we can begin anticoagulants, how long he will be on them, and when/if to remove the IVC filter.

In addition, we clarified with Physical Therapy that we don't want to pursue only osteo PT, but both neuro and osteo PT with a Spinal Cord Injury specialist.  The short story is that we have some good support through Kaiser to find someone that will fit Steve's needs, and we should zero in on our PT provider in the next week.  This is a huge answer to prayer, as I was beginning to feel discouraged and somewhat powerless to help Steve get anything better than mediocre care.

We got through Søren's party swimmingly.  Søren has such great little friends, and we all had a fantastic time.  Both Søren and Lucy have been into the PBS show Wild Kratts lately, and Søren requested it as his party theme.  This ended up being of strategic advantage to me, as I could recycle old Adventure Week props to decorate.  My friend Christi Watson came to help me decorate, and we got it looking habitat-y in no time flat, while looking like we'd spent hours.  Well, I had spent hours, just not for this party!

With some help from our neighbors and a sweet high-school gal from church, we pulled off activities and games that kept the kiddos happy and Søren felt loved and celebrated.  I found it amusing that my poor mom broke her ankle for my fifth birthday, and now we are operating with a gimpy parent for my son's fifth birthday.  Go figure.

Søren carrying his platypus egg to the hatching zone, and Lucy being hooked by a gummyworm!

Today we had no appointments, and I spent the day just exhausted.  I kept trying to figure out why all day.  It was just a kid's birthday party.  But I keep remembering the last 5 weeks and remembering that all our minds and bodies are trying to put themselves back together and that it is in God's will and instructions to be still, to rest, to heal.  So with that, I head to bed early to do just that.  

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