Tuesday, July 22, 2014

5.5 Week Update

I'll start with the über-exciting news that Steve went back to work part-time on Monday!  This is proving to be so good for all of us so far.  While we have all loved having him home, it has put us in a strange pattern of waiting for something that we can't seem to name.  Going to work set a new rhythm that I think is going to work very well for our family from here on out.  Some have asked, "How are you going to do your job??"  Steve says, "Well, instead of bugging people standing up, I'll bug them sitting down."

We had a good appointment on Monday to continue working on his secondary complications.  He was then scheduled for an endoscopy in August to carefully look for any residual GI tract bleeding (ulcers) from the heavy steroid treatment in the 23 hours prior to surgery.  This is important for us to know because we cannot start anti-coagulants to treat any residual blood clots until we are aware of his ulcer status.  The especially great news is that we were able to reduce Steve's daily meds substantially.  The pill for the ulcer is just a beast.  It has no coating, it's huge, and it immediately starts to disintegrate when you start to swallow it.  It has caused more than one choking scare--thankful my heart is in good, working order.  I'm not sorry to see that one go, that's for sure.

We have a few more rocks to look under before we commit to our out-sourced referral to a spinal cord injury (SCI) physical therapist (PT).  The place we are looking at going is one of the best in the business.  Not excited about extending our drive twice a week, but thankful that we live in the L.A./Orange County area where so many "bests" are located.  For those close by, we'd be going from La Mirada to approximately the 105/710 interchange.  Until then we've had adequate PT and some great long-distance consultation from a dear friend in NorCal who does SPI-PT.

As for me, today I got kidnapped.  The very best kind of kidnapped.  Phil Watson came to hang out with Steve and the kids, and Christi and I went and got pedicures, went shopping, out to dinner... and then went to Big 5 for new tennis balls for the walker.  Like ya do.  I came home feeling like a new woman.  Loved, pampered, taken care of.  I don't think I knew how much I needed this. I still can't even understand how we are so fortunate as to have these kinds of friends.
The kids are doing great.  They seem fully comfortable with Dad in a walker/wheelchair, and because Steve is just the same-old-Steve, they feel secure.  We have some good outings planned, and Mom has had some more energy for them recently.  Thank you for praying so specifically for these things.

As we are doing well, my heart does ache for so many around me who are hurting badly.  Just in the last week plus, four of my friends have lost an immediate loved one--a sister, an uncle, two fathers.  I've been in touch with two friends who lost their husbands in the last year, and two whose husbands have bowed out.  It has reminded me of another Walt Harrah song, called "True Religion," which prompts me to pray with my whole heart for these people, and to see even in our more limited capacity, how we can love them well.

No need to ask, "Who is our neighbor?"
Hurt all around us screams in pain.
Living for self is not an option,
We've tasted of Grace
God's love is within
Let's go live it out.

True religion, pure and faultless
Loves the widow, helps the poor
Feeds the hungry, aids the orphan
With the Heart of Jesus at its core
What are we waiting for? 

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