Sunday, July 20, 2014

Just a quick picture of how God is caring for us

1.) My car has been filthy for a long time.  Not long before Steve's accident, there was a fire at a La Mirada-based Recycling plant, and ash rained down on everything.  We got our yard taken care of, but the car remained disgusting.  Today our dear friends came and told us they would be picking up our car so their whole family could wash and vacuum it out for us.  I immediately started to cry because it was something I desperately wanted done, hadn't been able to get to, but just felt too strange asking for.  And that it was a service their whole family could do together just struck a chord with me.

2.) This morning Kenny Clark preached on Psalm 40, which is about David's cry for help in suffering.  It spoke deeply to us, reminding us that God truly hears us when we cry out.  But we need to be ready to accept God's mercy as He intends it.  So poignant, right to our souls.

3.) Steve developed a fever and chills late this afternoon.  We'd been looking out for this particular infection as a complication common to Steve's particular condition.  He started at warm around 7 and was hot by 9.  We are headed to a doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon, so we thought he'd be fine until then.  After we prayed together tonight, I felt inclined to call my dad, just to check in.  My dad insisted we start antibiotics right away, as he could get very sick very quickly.  We happened to have antibiotics that my dad had given us awhile back, and Steve was able to start immediately.  He should be feeling much better by tomorrow.

These are only three things--I could give you a score more, just today.  When I was driving to the E.R. the day of Steve's accident, the thought entered my head to start just thanking God.  I wondered whether I was being artificial because it was something I was "supposed" to do.  But I decided even if it was somehow impurely motivated, God still deserved my praise.  I was immediately able to thank God for a dozen things, and our journey had just begun.  Psalm 40 says that in our suffering, remember what God has done.  Remember who God is, what he is capable of, and that he is completely trustworthy.  He is teaching me to do this with all things, large and small.  You could bless me deeply by sharing what God has done, large or small.

Happy Monday to you all!

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