Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I woke up this morning with a new sense of purpose and determination.  It wasn't exactly excitement, wasn't exactly nervousness, but a sense of hyper-alertness.  I could feel all my nerve endings wide awake, ready for fight or flight.

It was a congratulatory atmosphere everywhere -- fellow patients saying goodbye, nurses, aides, therapists.  Every single person expressed confidence in Steve.  In an environment that does not sugar-coat, this was encouraging.

Lana, Steve's O.T.  Isn't she adorable?

A big hug from Venus, his P.T., who doesn't like goodbyes!

 On our own!

A wonderful welcome from the kiddos and the Grand-Earles.

We have a funny custom with our neighbors across the street.  Steve and Rich and I all whistle to each other, essentially to say, "Hey, here I am.  Are you there?"  After we got Steve settled in the house, Rich came out and whistled.  From the house came the familiar whistle back.  
All is right with the world.  


  1. Been thinking about you guys today and praying for a peaceful time at home.

  2. I can sleep better tonight knowing the Earle clan is back under one roof

  3. Welcome home Steve! Glad you are all together again....praying for this new transition!

  4. Rich is the Man! I'm so glad he took care of the lawn. The trip to your house was a bit too much for me to take care of it for you.

  5. Welcome home Steve! So glad that you get to be home with your family!
