Sunday, July 27, 2014

Grumpy, Happy, Reality

Oh you dear people who still turn your eyes to us, even six plus weeks after Steve's accident!  We don't deserve you, but thank goodness it's not about deserving.

Steve's first week at work was really good -- so good to get him engaged in Biola again, back with his fabulous IT team.  I think that department is just the awesome-sauce.  Over the years, Steve's been privileged to hand-pick many of them and craft a really amazing team, not just people of ability, but people of character.  Biola is so fortunate to have them.

We had another two appointments on Thursday.  The first was with the urologist, who discussed the health of his kidneys post-hospital-stay.  The appointment went well and Steve got to drop another med (YAY!).  However, apparently urologists don't have a proper sense of urgency when it comes to a second appointment, and we missed Steve's PT appointment next door by 20 minutes.  This was a disappointment because PT is so vital to his recovery.

However, there is good news on the PT front.  We have been approved to go to Rancho Los Amigos, which has unanimous approval from several PT's in our life.  They are THE Spinal Recovery people in the area from what we hear.  We're not sure when we'll actually get in the door there, but I'm hoping by next week at the latest.

We continue to be tired.  The combination of a 4-hour work day plus home-PT is surprisingly draining, and we have had appointments and such mixed in.  I continue to have a rough time sleeping, which makes for a grumpy mommy sometimes.  I'm grumpy because SERIOUSLY, where are all the handicap parking spots?  I'm grumpy because that wheelchair is clunky to lug around.  I'm grumpy because I'm realizing how much Steve really does around here!  He's grumpy because he wakes up and doesn't feel like being partially paralyzed that day. I'm grumpy because scheduling and coordinating is tricky. And I'm grumpy because being grumpy is stupid.

But in the arc of our week and the last 6 weeks, we truly are happy.  We are a happy family, a happy couple.  We went to a movie yesterday, all four of us.  This is kind of a big thing, as we haven't been a movie-going family up to now.  We got invited to a fantastic lunch at Beachwood BBQ with friends (and a fellow Fullerton Loop casualty!).  Every day there are good, good things. So the truth is that life is just good ol' life.  The reality of it is there are good, happy times, there are grumpy times, and we are living real life, living it by grace.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update. Love you and continuing to pray for you.
