Thursday, July 17, 2014

My Baby

Tomorrow we celebrate Søren's FIFTH birthday.  I'm in denial, actually.  It truly feels like yesterday that I had this beautiful boy.  This time 5 years ago, we didn't even know his name. (Steve and I are 2nd children, trying to name a 2nd child--why are you surprised we didn't pick a name until the day after he was born?)  The first thing I ever said to my little man was, "Where did you COME from?"  He was born with a surprising head of dark hair, not at all the peach-fuzz I expected from two former blondes.  Consequently, over the next 6 months it all fell out, giving him an "old man with a mullet" look for awhile.  Now he's achieved the dishwater blonde to match the rest of us.  He is a true joy.  A little Love, a wiggly cuddler, a big heart, a stubborn and freakishly hard head, comedic timing, and eyes that can kill you on the spot.

Last night Steve had a particularly hard night.  Lest we forget the complications surrounding his accident and recovery, he ate something he realized he shouldn't have and was horribly sick for a couple hours.  He told me that the song going through his head while he was so sick was "Trust In The Lord" from Adventure Week.  Why is this happening to me?  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  Thankful for true words that come in dark moments.

In the aftermath, I was just so sad.  I hate seeing Steve suffer.  And I realized that I have been resenting throwing Søren a birthday party when things are so exhausting and unpredictable.  I asked God to help me put the resentment behind me and throw my child a birthday party.  During the course of the day today, I found things coming easily in the prep for his little party, and a much softened heart toward a child who doesn't understand that dad-in-a-wheelchair means mom-is-tired.  Dad is home and healing, here with us every day, and what a better time to celebrate the life of our Little Buddy?  I can't wait to wake up to my 5-year-old and tell him again that his birth was one of the best days of my whole life.

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