Friday, July 4, 2014

Some things you might not know

Happy 4th!  (Well, for most of you, 5th now...)  We had a fantastic evening, recreating our missed Father's Day meal -- corn on the cob, watermelon, steaks and from-scratch brownies.  Since the in-laws are here and I'm not driving to Long Beach or doc appointments, I actually got to enjoy preparing a meal, and every single one of us had eyes rolled back in delight.  We also had a fabulous time lighting street-side fireworks, compliments of our fabulous neighbors.

Steve has quite a bit of increased sensation in his feet.  After 3 weeks of nothing, I actually tickled the bottoms of his feet!  He has new sensation in his big toe as well.  More and more great signs.  As we sat down to dinner tonight, every single one of us was just FULL of thankfulness.  What a day to celebrate indeed.

Since we don't have any major news today, I'll share a few random things that never made into the blog thus far.

1.) Steve is now missing about 4 inches of his lowest left rib.  I was a little bummed we didn't get to keep it!  When he was in recovery after the surgery, high as a kite, he had a fantastic time making jokes about that rib.  "Watch out, Honey, they might make me a new woman out of that rib!"  We reminded him it was only half a rib, so my position is secure.

2.) Steve had two full surgeries.  During the first they went in through the side, scooting all the organs aside to get to the spine.  Steve has a very long torso, and his perineum was much lower than anticipated and therefore in the way.  Hence the chest tube and the whack-a-rib treatment. They removed his entire first lumbar vertebra, including the shattered pieces.  Then an expander was placed that is like a little tiny car jack.
After the expander was in place, Steve was closed up, then prepped for the 2nd surgery.  Now that his spine was stabilized, he was carefully turned and then the surgeon was able to go in and place the plate and the screws to fuse the last thoracic vertebra to the 2nd lumbar vertebra.

3.) Steve is now sleeping with massive moon boots, designed to prevent "drop foot."  If his feet continue to point limply down, his achilles tendon will atrophy and shorten, which will create major problems later for his walking.  They also prevent his feet from getting into positions that cut off his blood-flow while he is sleeping, since he can't feel them.

4.) When you are admitted into the trauma E.R., you are given a pseudonym.  Steve was... wait for it... Doe Silver.  I swear, if we ever get a dog, I'm totally naming it Doe Silver.

Happy 4th to all of you, and thank you God, for the way you HAVE blessed this country.  We are truly grateful.

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