Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bloggy friends!  HI!  Oh man, I'm so happy to be back here again!  I've missed you! (Wow, that sounds odd!)

It's been a little sparse around here for a couple of reasons.  First, this was a CRAZY October.  We were gone 4 weekends in a row.  That's a lot in Old Normal Life, but in New Normal Life, wow.  I'm the sole driver, and I logged almost 1900 miles, just in all the getting-there-and-back.  More on the travel later.

Second, there wasn't a whole lot to report medically this last month.  Steve finally plateaued in early October with his Kaiser PT, and decided to do all his therapy at the Biola gym and at home for a few weeks.  He said goodbye to his PT, who choked up when he left, and we ended 3 months of PT there.  His progress, as always, has been slow and steady.  He's faster and more stable.  But his feet still look like floppy swim fins, and there are other areas that are coming back too slowly for a report.  Nothing out of the realm of our expectations at this point.  

When we met with the surgeon, he reminded us that his nerves have a LONG way to grow.  At only a millimeter a day, that is 100 days for one centimeter.  We don't know the extent of the damage, and how much will have to re-grow, re-connect.  The physical therapy, even for those parts of his body over which he has little control, is to prevent muscle atrophy, and to promote muscle memory so that when those nerves finally reconnect, they have something to "talk" to.  Think of it like a freeway that has had a bridge collapse over it (think Northridge, '94).  You have to have a working freeway on either side so that when the bridge is rebuilt, traffic can resume with fluidity.  (Medical people, pleeease feel free to weigh in and correct me.)
So.  Then TUESDAY, after FOUR months of back-and-forth, Steve actually for reals started his ongoing out-patient physical therapy at Rancho Los Amigos.  He will do PT there twice a week until April, then they will reassess and go from there.

This is a new ball game.  It's the difference between using salad tongs and tweezers to get out a splinter.  There's no guarantee you'll get the splinter out, but you're using the right tools.  Yesterday his muscle strength, etc. was assessed, which means they give numbers on a scale to his strength and mobility.  They will periodically compare and reassess these numbers to chart his progress.  They put him in a balance machine, which measures, well, his balance.  All this helps them pinpoint and craft his home exercises as well.  Today was the second appointment, and they did just that--focused on home exercises.  They also talked about putting Steve in foot/ankle braces.  This would give him far greater balance and help him likely go down to one cane.  (Jaclyn, are you so happy about this or what?) Progress!

One major area that is still difficult is that he isn't driving yet.  He never EVER complains about it, but he is completely dependent on others for his mobility.  I'm thankful we live so close to where he works, because it makes my driving him so incredibly much easier.  But it's still tough to time it all, especially when you add in my driving Lucy to OT and piano and Søren to piano, plus school, homework, and all the Stuff.  If you are still praying for us, please pray that how we deal with the driving issue is resolved soon and with wisdom.  We have some options but it's not yet clear what direction we should go.

Another hurdle is the difficult timing of the appointments that have been available at Rancho.  They are during times when I simply do not have the option of driving him because of school pick-up/drop-off.  So far we have had some stellar folks who've made significant adjustments to be able to take him, and we are so grateful.  But how this will work out over a 4 month period could get very tricky, especially if we're not able to work the driving out soon.

In all, this is a week (and month!) to thank God out of the very deep joy we have had.

Stay tuned ... I've got more stuff to tell you/show you!

Monday, October 13, 2014


I wrote this last week and never posted it!  And it is MUCH cooler now!  =)  Enjoy!
Oh, Southern California, could we just bid a not-so-fold farewell to the 90-100 degree days already??  People are pinning photos of boots and scarves and hot cider and I so WANNA.  But hey, enough whining about the weather, I have a/c!  And cute flip-flops.

I haven't posted much, as there isn't much to post.  In Søren's music class, the very first song they learn to play goes like this... "I step up, I step down.  Stay the same."  (The notes correspond, of course.)  That kinda describes all the Stuff.  Not much movement toward Rancho--we hear Oct. 28th.  We finally received and sent in the new paperwork for Disability.  Now we wait.  The van is in the shop for a few weeks, and the 4-Runner is getting a good little work out.  Did I tell you before that it turned out the accident was my fault?  I was 100% convinced I was making a legal U-turn at the time.  You can see where this is going... So it was a big blow to discover that it was my fault.  But again, that is why we have insurance, and I'm so thankful.

When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, the ground was cursed because of them.  Weeds grew up, and by the sweat of Adams brow was a living to come forth.  The physical world and our relationship with it was cursed.  Our relationship with Work was cursed.  Even in these small but wearying things I see that brokenness of relationship, brokenness of purpose.  A reminder that this is not how it should Be.  But I think that is in so many ways a comfort.  A relief!  This ISN'T how it is supposed to be!  We were designed for more, for better.  And it will take place!  I've never seen that as poignantly as I have in these last 3.5 months.  Oh, for a better country!  Higher up and farther in!


We have several fun things in the midst of all the hassle.  I made a 24 hr. trip to Selma to attend my 20-year reunion with my old Immanuel High School pals (and moved a queen mattress in the mean time... that's kind of a weird, other story).  It was even better than I expected.  20 years is when you forget all the Stuff from high school and just enjoy seeing people you haven't seen in ages.  My class had 66 graduates, and 33 of them showed.  I had so much fun that I was shocked to look at the time and discover it was gaining on 2 am.  Even 20 years later I instinctively felt bad for being out past curfew!  But it was a fantastic trip, and I was thankful for people who supported Steve while I was gone.

We have THREE great trips coming up that are serving as very sweet consolation to our summer.  We'll get to go to SeaWorld for my birthday and stay in Mission Bay--the kids will get their longed-for wish of playing at the beach with Dad.  We also were given a wonderful chance to go to Mammoth with some of our very best friends--and I'll get to enjoy being COLD!  And we will get to see my parents--the first time we'll have seen them since Long Beach rehab.  So much joy bound up in that last paragraph.  God has met our needs far beyond the basic ones.  I'm so aware of how intimately he knows our hearts and what we long for.  We have worked to seek him in all of this, and he has added all these things to us.  Piled good things on us.  What a true Father he is.